1–2 tsp dried herbs such as thyme, rosemary and or sage
4–6 quarts filtered water
Place chicken, vegetables, and desired spices into a stockpot or crockpot and cover with 4-6 quarts water (depending on the size of your pot).
Add apple cider vinegar and let sit at room temperature for about 30-40 minutes. This allows the bones to soften just a bit so more of the nutrients can be released into your broth. If using a stove and stockpot, bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer. If using a crockpot, set it on low. Simmer or slow cook for 24-48 hours for the best flavor and nutrient extraction. Strain into freezer-safe containers, cool completely, and freeze. You may also preserve using a pressure canner according to the manufacturer’s instructions.